The UN adopted 17 Sustainable Development Goals in 2015, and Goal 9 is about building resilient infrastructure, promoting sustainable industrialisation, and fostering innovation. In this talk, Digital Infra Network’s Dan Scarbrough takes a deep dive into Triple Point’s Digital 9 Infrastructure Plc (D9). Named after Goal 9, D9 aims to improve connectivity globally and reduce the digital divide in an environmentally sustainable manner by investing in a portfolio of critical digital infrastructure assets in subsea and terrestrial fibre, wireless networks and data centres.
Thor Johnsen and Lindsay Smart of Triple Point and Dominic Ward of Verne Global discuss directing investment into the greenest and cleanest forms of digital infrastructure, including the reasons behind D9’s acquisition of Verne Global – the leading Icelandic data centre platform and one of Europe’s most efficient, with a PUE of 1.18 – 100% powered by renewable electricity.